Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Book #7–Immortality

51FptqsZwNL._BO2,204,203,200_PIsitb-sticker-arrow-click,TopRight,35,-76_AA300_SH20_OU01_It’s like Outbreak meets The Stand. I picked this up as one that was recommended to my on Amazon, and wasn’t sure how it would go. Immortality starts out like a disease thriller, almost like Robin Cook. The book jumps around some “kill zones”, places where people seem to be dropping dead without cause. The CDC researcher suspects a chemical of some sort, but as we slowly move through the beginning of the book, and more incidents appear, it seems like we might have some strange new disease. When it appears the the reason people are dying is precision cuts to nerves that control breathing and heartbeat, it gets confusing.

The Stand reference comes as some people seem to survive without reason while others are killed near them. As the book progresses, and it’s a long one, it seems like there is some other force at work. Not supernatural, but almost alien.

It’s a fascinating story, and the more I read, the more hooked I was. It does make me think about the damage we do to the world as humans, and how we might be destroying our planet and have to deal with it at some point.

This was exciting, and worth reading. Definitely worth the $3 price.

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