Sunday, January 13, 2013

Order of the Arrow Banquet

66409_10200290812981864_1496703608_nLast night was the 2013 Order of the Arrow banquet for Scouts. Delaney had gone last year, and when I asked him if he wanted to go, he said he did. He registered us, and with the Broncos tied at halftime, we headed out to the West side of Denver.

I wasn’t sure what to expect and wasn’t sure if anyone from our troop was going. We don’t have that many Order of the Arrow participants, and I don’t think many of those elected in the last year or two have even gone through their Brotherhood ceremony after their ordeal.

Delaney did, and I’m proud that he did it. This is almost like an Honor Society of Scouts, focused on service and doing more than needed. Delaney has enjoyed it, even though we’ve lightly participated.

The banquet was like lots of those held by organizations. Mostly focused on awards for members with a little pomp, circumstance, and business. It was long, lots of speeches, awards, and thank-yous, where it seemed like we were clapping every few minutes. A long night, but Delaney never complained as we sat through this and supported those that had achieved something for the Order.


Delaney looked good, and it was nice to see most of the people didn’t have their brotherhood sash, as signified by the stripes at the top and bottom. I don’t know what more he will do with OA, but it’s neat to see him being a part of it.

It’s also interesting to see that OA participates in the High Adventure camps of Philmont and Boundary Waters, but not just as a getaway. The kids that go do two weeks at a very reduced price, but it’s one week of learning about the area and a week of hard work, fixing trails and ensuring the Scouts that come behind them have a safe, enjoyable, trip.

Not sure if he’ll do one of those trips at some point, but I hope so.

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