Wednesday, June 3, 2009

The Wake Up Call

Most mornings I have my alarm set for 6:43. That’s the time when I hit the snooze button and then get up at 6:53 to get kids moving for school. However most mornings I also awaken, eyes closed, to the sound of footsteps getting closer and then a whispered

“Dad, can you make me eggs?”

Often this if accompanied by a

“Mom, can you make me a smoothie?”

either before or after the egg question. Both of those often come between 6:30 and 6:40. I know because I often check the clock to see if I’m late getting up. Usually I’m not.

Our little Delaney likes to get up early, and so he’s not late, he asks us make breakfast for him most mornings. Once in awhile he’ll make something else, but eggs are a good start for him, and they give him energy.

Why don’t I teach him to make them himself? Well I actually have. There were a few mornings that I went down there with him,  had things to do, and I showed him how to get the eggs out, crack them, etc. He struggled with some parts of the cooking, but that’s a skill he could easily learn. However I was concerned with one thing.

He likes sausage and onions in his eggs. I don’t mind him cutting sausage, that’s easy, but I am a little concerned about him trying to slice an onion. Especially at 6:30 in the morning when the rest of us are sleeping.

The other thing is that I like making the eggs for him. I think it’s cute that he still comes to ask, not expecting it, or assuming we will do things for him.

It’s getting close to the time where he should do more himself, especially when he’s often reading or playing XBOX in the morning. However for now, I like doing it and it’s nice to be asked.

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