Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Laptops, Libraries, and Summer

We had to come to Parker for an orthodontist appointment for Kendall. Yes, another one, this one I scheduled today. She'd lost a build up on her molars in Pensacola and I'd been delaying calling for, well, no reason. Mostly because I kept forgetting. I remembered today as we drove out to the Scout camp to rescue the Prius, and called. They didn't have anything good tomorrow, and so I took this one.

So I was jammed up for work, and still am. I'll be working tonight more, but at least I could bring my laptop and work a little. The picture above is Kendall and me, sitting outside the Parker library after her appointment. She's listening to her iPod and finishing a slurpee while I'm trying to work on the laptop.

Summertime, not too hot, a nice breeze, a laptop and wi-fi from the library, and I'm set. Life is good.

I snapped another one of her loading up at 7-11 as well.

It reminded me of summertime during my childhood.

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