Monday, January 26, 2009

A Bad Start

Grrrrrrr, I wake up this morning to issues a work. Some are mine, some are from another person.

We periodically have plagiarism issues on the site. I think the business of running a publishing site will deal with this from now until the end of time. It's probably been an issue in the past, but less likely to be noticed as it is these days.

I published an article today that had a number of poor grammar structures in it. Those are my fault, and I have to take the blame for those. I was in a hurry, skimmed the article, and it looked pretty good to me, but I didn't read it close enough. So quite a few people complained about that.

However someone noticed that there were a few paragraphs that were copied, or nearly copied from another article on my site!! That stunned me, but I wasn't surprised I missed it. Since the volume of stuff I get means I don't necessarily notice what articles were published when. And I don't necessarily have time to search Google for a lot of stuff. I've searched for the first sentence before and that usually has caught things, but not always.

Wrote a note to the author, not something I enjoy doing.

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