Sunday, March 16, 2014

Book #10 - Graveyard of Memories

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The book has him working as a bag man for the CIA, exchanging money to bribe politicians when he has an encounter with a yakuza and kills one. He then is hunted as the cousin of the dead gangster is son of one of the more powerful warlords. His CIA contact tells him he can help him determine how to kill the yakuza and get himself out of a jam, but he wants someone else killed first. Rain does it, succeeding quickly and surprising the CIA man.

Meanwhile he's on the run, away from his apartment and managers to stay at a love hotel. He meets a girl there, in a wheelchair and falls for her. As you might expect, this isn't good, since he's a killer, and this is a normal girl. Lots of foreshadowing, and she's eventually threatened by the yakuza.

Rain moves through this, and we see him evolving, learning, and starting to slide himself into this new role of being an assassin. A good opening to the series, which I've enjoyed for many years.

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