Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Book #16–Mickey Outside

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Mickey Outside is a crime novel, one written by the criminals. It starts with Mickey, serving time in a minimal security prison after ratting out his old partner and company in a large bank. He was involved in some fraud, but he managed to get out, though without any assets. His wife divorced him and he was fined the rest.

But he has a plan, and he has to find a partner in prison. He does, and gets out, going back to New York with his scheme to defraud someone else. This time, however, he has revenge mixed into the plan.

It’s an interesting ride. Hard to feel sorry for someone that defrauded people out of millions so he could make millions. Going back into part of that life, we see him as a person, but not one that you’d likely want to work with or be around. He’s still not really a good person and wants to make money. As we all do, but he’s perfectly willing to break the law again.

An interesting read.

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