Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Book #14–Winner Take All

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Rain has made it to Brazil, established his cover and spends time there. However when he contacts the half Portugese/half Japanese hostess living there, the CIA tracks him down. They twist his arm to help them, killing a suspected arms dealer in Macau.

It’s a wilder ride, one where Rain can’t fulfill the contract at first because he meets Delilah. We end up starting to find that the life of an assassin isn’t glamorous, trust is hard to come by, and paranoia is a way of life. This was one of those books that made me realize your life can’t be great when you can’t really relax.

However we meet Dox and Delilah, working for separate groups and we start to see the beginning of friendship as Rain learns to trust Dox. A very wild ride, with an exciting finish as the bodies pile up in short order in this one.

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