Saturday, October 1, 2016

Traveling Too Much

Usually I get a note in advance of travel that I’ve got an upcoming stay. I appreciate this from Hilton as I’ve forgotten to book a hotel a few times and the lack of a note resonated with me. I also get notes from United about upcoming flights, though usually with an eye towards selling me something. National notifies me, but usually at the last second.

Today I saw a note for my upcoming stay in Orlando. However, I’m not going to Orlando, at least not directly. I fly to Washington DC on Tuesday for two days, then on to Orlando Thursday night.

Travel can get confusing. I’m sure many people think “how can you make a mistake”, but I’ll tell you, here’s my wallet of boarding passes.

Photo Oct 01, 10 18 07 AM

This is since July.

Trust me, it can get confusing to be sure you have a flight, a hotel, and a car booked for all trips. In this case, here’s my itinterary:

  • Tue am - Flight to IAD
  • Tue/Wed night – hotel in DC, I didn’t book this and hope the event company did this correctly.
  • Tue-Thur – car in DC
  • Thur – flight to MCO
  • Thur – hotel in MCO by airport
  • Thur pm – car reservation
  • Fri – new hotel in MCO near event.
  • Sat – hotel near airport since I fly early, and the event is quite a distance from MCO.
  • Sun am – flight home

That’s this week. Monday I turn around to Vegas. Here’s what I have left in 2016, with a few of the flight/hotel/car things to arrage.

  • Vegas (next week)
  • Seattle (late Oct)
  • Seattle (early Nov)
  • Lincoln (Nov)
  • Orlando (Dec)
  • UK(Dec)
  • Vacation (Dec)

Now, I just need to double check all my reservations this week and for late Oct.

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