Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Hot Yoga

Last night I did the Hot Yoga class and it was hot. A hot day, and I'm not sure what the temp was set at, but as soon as I was in the room, I was sweating. As we sat there, just starting class with eyes closed, I could feel sweat under my shirt tricking down my torso.

It was a neat class, not hard on my elbow or knees overall. We did lots of leg lifts, then knee to chest, the cresent lunges to airplanes and down again. I avoided the push up moves that strain my elbow, and was careful on anything bending knees. Still, it was a good workout and every time I stood up, I had sweat dripping in my eyes. Even my dri-fit shirt was useless as it was soaked halfway through the class.

A great break and release from life, and I'm still amazed how all the stuff rolling around in my mind, all the plans, sports, kids, and more just disappear in class.

Afterwards I showered and met Tia for a mini-date night. Dinner and some quiet time.

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