Monday, June 10, 2013

Author’s Craft

1370801897552Yesterday I dropped Kendall off at the Colorado School of Mines for the Center for Bright Kids Glow summer program. She’ll live in the dorms for two weeks and she’s taking the class called Author’s Craft. It’s a writing class, and she’s quite excited since she applied with her portfolio of work and was accepted.

Delaney did this a few years ago, so we knew what to do. Tia helped Kendall pack things up and she brought three bags to the car yesterday. Plus a backpack. I was going to argue, but decided it wasn’t worth it. We left after feeding horses, stopped by to get her quarters for laundry and then drove to Golden.

She looked good, and excited. Nervous, but excited to be out on her own for the first time. We got there earlier than I’d like, and we ended up standing in line for a bit. Things moved slow, but about 25-30 minutes after we got there, we were checking in. Kendall passed the time in the same way as a lot of other kids: reading.


I love seeing her read.

We checked in and then headed up to her room to unpack. Her roommate is from Eagle, CO, and we met her Mom as we unloaded. Her roommate showed up a little later and they said hi, but the other girl was definitely more shy.


It’s a dorm room, like the one I went to college in. A desk, a bed, and a closet/dresser built in. She arranged her stuff, and then we went to get some lunch, withdraw some spending money, and get sunscreen. Golden is small, and it was a busy Sunday, but we managed to get through everything and get back to the opening ceremony in time.

Afterwards I said goodbye, and Kendall was off on her adventure. I hope she loves it and has a great time.

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