Sunday, February 27, 2022
Tough day today but hopefully we learned a few things
Saturday, February 26, 2022
Wednesday, February 23, 2022
Finally the electric company installed our meter. Solar is live!
Monday, February 21, 2022
Enjoying Showdown weekend with these young ladies. Working hard and learning how to compete at a higher level
Saturday, February 19, 2022
Getting ready for Showdown with a Friday night scrimmage
Thursday, February 17, 2022
Wednesday, February 16, 2022
Not many bags and no choice but the global honey mustard supply chain criss is easing
Cheering on one of our multi sport athletes at the state swim competition
Tuesday, February 15, 2022
Reminding Myself What Life was Like During the Pandemic - Day 706
I debated about making this the last post, calling for the end of the pandemic.
While I think Colorado is moving into endemic phase, not everywhere is, and certainly not every person. Plenty are still scared, and that continues to impact my life and work.
I haven't written a post in some time, but I was thinking about this today. Life is somewhat back to normal, somewhat not. I'm documenting a few changes in life that might help me remember what this time was like.
First, things are opening in Colorado. Mask mandates have expired in most counties (not Boulder or Larimer). Most businesses have made things optional. A few experiences.
I went into a gas station a few weeks ago and the clerk told me I needed to wear a mask. No problem, I grabbed one. The next day, I walked in again (soda addiction), and he wasn't wearing a mask and didn't say anything when I'd forgotten. The county restriction had expired that day.
The volleyball region had been requiring everyone in masks to make things fair, but before the last tournament they changed to allow venues to decide. While they've had issues with some parents and people not wearing masks (and just warned us about compliance), they also appear to be moving to a 2019-style of running events.
A few conferences are scheduled, and I went to one in December. It was strange, and there were mask requirements. Vaccine as well. We went back to Vegas in December, and masks were required, but that changed last week. Vegas is back to normal, and I head to a conference in England in a few weeks. Still lots of requirements, but I'm hoping the US stops the testing requirement to come home. The UK doesn't require one to go there.
My view of masks and the pandemic has changed. I'll comply with requests or requirements, but I'm not voluntarily wearing masks anymore if I don't have to. I'm on the adult plan, expecting people to assess the risks and either not come out or ask me to wear a mask or whatever. I am surprised to feel this way. I don't know if it's fatigue or just coping better.
It's been a long, strange ride, but I feel like this year will see us coming out of the fear, the closed off, the separated world and moving back towards life as it was in 2019.